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 "Just The Way Nature Intended™"

Be aware of the quality of the water you and your family are drinking and bathing in by sending a water sample to be tested by our Beyond O2 water Team.
Beyond O2 Water Test Kit includes:


  • 4 ounce food grade plastic bottle (To Be Filled)
  • 1 envelope Prepaid return label


The package will arrive at your home for you to use at your own convenience. Simply collect water from any source in your home such as your Water Filtration System well water or softener or Tap.


The UPS return label will allow you to return the sample of water to our store in Santa Monica, California, for evaluation.


Upon receipt and testing of the sample, we will contact you to provide you with the water's pH and TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) results. We will make recommendations based on what we find.


We sell a wide range of filter replacements to Water Filtration Systems. We even provide water delivery options available from neutral to 9.5 pH.


If you are interested in delivery, please call 1.310.664.8880 to discuss details.


  • Having knowledge of the number of Total Dissolved Solids in your TAP WATER Says a lot
  • Making the best decision in maintaining your Beyond O2 Water Filtration Systems
  • Evaluating the quality of any other water filtration systems you might have, Please


Possible recommendations based on results:


  • replace your existing filters
  • offer customised options of water filtration systems based on your needs
  • upgrade systems from another brand
  • provide water delivery options available from neutral to 9.5 pH, If available in your
  • area



    Our Beyond O2 water Team will report back to you:

    • The TDS (Total Dissolved Solids) may consist of Chlorine, Chloramines, Fluoride, Gas Fuels, Lithium, Pharmaceuticals, Heavy Metal, etc.
    • The pH may range from acidic to alkaline

    How to collect your sample:

    1. Inside the package you will find one 4 ounce food grade plastic bottle, one plastic bag, one prepaid postage envelope
    2. Fill the bottle with the water sample of your choice, tighten cap and place into plastic bag, Please confirm that the plastic bag is closed.
    3. Place the plastic bag with the water sample bottle inside the envelope with the Return Label that is already on the package
    4. Fill out your information on the form that is included in the package and place it in the envelope with the Return Label
    5. Find the closest Post Office and off the package which will be shipped directly to Beyond O2 in Santa Monica, California
    6. Thank you for the opportunity to be of service.
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